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  • Questions? Call us at 678-969-3385

  • Community Outreach

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  • PCBA Outreach Committee


    PCBA Community Outreach Overview:

    The PCBA created the Outreach Committee with a mission to support local community activities and charitable organizations throughout the year in a meaningful way.   The Outreach Committee is selected from the PCBA membership and reports to the PCBA Board of Directors. 

    Since the creation of our community outreach program in 2013, the PCBA has donated in excess of $170,000+ and awarded 19 scholarships to deserving high school seniors in our local community.  We focus our funds in supporting causes that focus on education, health and community.

    PCBA Community Outreach Request for Donations and/or Sponsorships:

     All requests for donations must to be sent in writing to outreach@peachtreecornersba.com. 

    You must complete the attached form.  Requests should include a description of the organization and purpose and/or use for the funds.  Requests for donations must include a copy of your 501c3 letter from IRS, updated annual report, and the online form.

    Please allow sufficient time for review of your request (typically 45 - 90 days advance notice before a final determination on the request will be made). 

    If you are interested in learning more about the Outreach we are doing in the Community, or would like to contact the committee feel free to contact us. 



    PCBA Community Outreach Scholarship Program:

    Now Accepting Scholarship Applications through midnight on March 31, 2025.

    The PCBA created the scholarship program to recognize graduating High School Seniors who have demonstrated community spirit and  initiative.  The scholarship program was established to raise awareness among high school students of the need to give back to the local community & school.  The PCBA  Board of Directors approved one $1,000 scholarship for the PCBA scholarship program this year.   

    Currently, this scholarship will be awarded to graduating Seniors who meet at least one of the following criteria:

    ______ Resident of Peachtree Corners

    ______ Senior at Norcross HS, Wesleyan HS, Paul Duke Stem HS, or Duluth HS

    ______ Child of PCBA Member (in good standing and state which member)

    Applications must include the application form, a copy of the student's sealed, or official transcript showing cumulative GPA, an essay of 500 words or less describing why you are the best candidate for the scholarship including three (3) things you have learned that you believe will help you in the future and a separate page listing any of the following the student has been associated with, and give a brief description of your involvement: 

    1. School Organization Affiliation
    2. Sports Affiliation and Extra-Curricular Activities
    3. Areas of Community Involvement
    4. Personal time donated to Charitable/Humanitarian causes
    5. Activities completed or participated in to support the community, healthcare workers, first responders, and others.

    Click Here for the Current Scholarship Application for Eligible Graduating Seniors

    Submissions for the applications must be submitted electronically to Scholarship@peachtreecornersba.com



    PCBA Community Outreach Fund Raising Event:

    Our annual charity event, PCBA Celebrating Tailgates & Touchdowns Charity Party on August 21, 2025 from 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm is going to be our best one yet and we would love for you to be a part of it.  There will be plenty of time for Business Networking, enjoying tailgating activities including our LIVE auction, drawings, food, and beverages as we raise money for three great charities and award a check that evening to another local charity.
    I hope you will be able to join us.  We are focusing our fundraising efforts on local charities who provide these critical needs - Food, Necessities, Community Assistance, Health, & Education. 

    Meet these Charities: 

    • Corners Outreach
    • Paint Gwinnett Pink
    • United Way of Greater Atlanta 

    We would love for you to be involved. 
    PCBA Celebrating Tailgates and Touchdowns Charity Party 
    Become a Sponsor
    Attend the Event – Register Now!
    Donate Items for the Live and Silent Auction

    Participate in Our Silent & Live Auction
    We are currently collecting new items daily from our local businesses and sponsors for our silent auction.  The sooner we receive the item, the more marketing time you will have on our silent auction website.
    If you have any questions on how to become a sponsor, donate auction items, or attend the event, please let us know.  You can reach us at (678) 969-3385 or at sponsorship@peachtreecornersba.com or membership@peachtreecornersba.com



    Community Organizations and Programs Supported:

    If you are interested in learning more about the Outreach we are doing in the Community, or would like to contact the committee, they can be reached at:  Outreach@peachtreecornersba.com 


    Organizations in education, healthcare, community and scholarship winners we have supported are categorized below. 


    PCBA Scholarship Program

    Annual Scholarship Winners:

    2013-14 – Jenna McEachern

    2014-15 – Elizabeth Waid

    2015-16 – Eliza Antonowich

    2016-17 -- Morgan Keller

    2016-17 -- Sarah Gries

    2017-18 -- Abigail Alf

    2017-18 -- Ian Paul Huelsbeck

    2018-19 -- Vishva Natarajan

    2018-19 -- Connor Creedon

    2019-20 -- Maria Cook

    2019-20 -- Feben Simeneh

    2020-21 -- Katheryn Antonowich

    2020-21 -- Katherine Graddy

    2021-22 - Rachel Lee

    2021-22 - Sarah Lim

    2022-23 - Zoe Hanson

    2022-23 - Sasha Tarassenko

    2023-24 - Aidan Nazareth

    2023-24 - Frances Grant


    American Cancer Society

    ---Relay of Life 

    Gwinnett County Public School


    -- Community Based Mentoring


    Gwinnett County Public School


    -- Paul Duke STEM High School

    Junior Achievement of GA

    NHS Band Program

    NHS Basketball Boosters

    Career Exploration Program

    NHS Football

    NHS Foundation of Excellence  

    -- After School Matters Program

    -- Media Center

    NHS Tennis Boosters

    NHS Tennis Team

    NHS Touchdown Club

    Norcross Cluster Schools


    Omicron Service Society

    (Wesleyan School)

    Paint Love

    -- Peachtree Elementary

    Paul Duke Stem High School

    Peachtree Elementary

    Simpson Elementary

    Wesleyan Artist Market




    American Cancer Society


    Good Samaritan Health Care

    Center of Gwinnett


    Gwinnett Medical Center

    Foundation -- Neonatal Unit


    Northside Hospital Concussion


    Paint Gwinnett Pink Breast Cancer

    Care & Early Detection


    National Education Foundation

    20/20 - Providing Vision Care

    for school age children


    Nothing But the Truth




    A. Worley Brown Metro

    Atlanta Boys & Girls Club

    Assistance League - Atlanta

    AFM - Armed Forces Mission

    Because One Matters

    Bridges Peachtree Corners

    Christmas Programs

    -- Norcross Cooperative Ministry

    Peachtree Corners Holiday Parade

    Clean the World Foundation

    Corners Outreach

    Friends of the Gwinnett County


    Furkids, Inc.

    Georgia Center for Opportunity

    Gwinnett County Fire Department

    Benevolence Foundation

    Gwinnett County Police


    Light Up the Corners Run

    Lionheart Theatre Company

    MTW - Missions to the World

    Norcross Cooperative Ministry

    Norcross Meals on Wheels

    Peachtree Corners Festival

    Peachtree Corners Holiday Run

    Peachtree Corners Library

    Peachtree Corners Veterans


    Peachtree Station Swim & Tennis

    Rainbow Village, Inc.

    Re-Christ Ministries

    Robert D. Fowler YMCA Programs

    Spectrum Autism

    Simpsonwood Church Hope

    Ministries Outreach

    Wellspring Living


    The PCBA Juniors (formerly known as the Peachtree Corners Junior Civitan) are now a part of the PCBA Community Outreach program.

    The PCBA is able to fund these Outreach dollars through allocating a portion of the annual membership dues and sponsorship dollars of our members and sponsors.  In addition, the PCBA holds an annual fund raiser to raise additional dollars which are awarded back into our community.   Each year the total dollars available to fund these donations is reviewed, approved and budgeted based on prior year’s income.  As the organization continues to grow, we are committed to continue to give back to the community, representing all of our members within PCBA.


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